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End of W-2 Paper Filing

The IRS encourages electronic filing of W-2 and 1099 data. And there are many benefits to filing data electronically to the IRS. The end to bulk paper filing 1099 forms to the IRS is near as the IRS continues to advance policies that discourage paper filing.


Currently you can print and mail 250 or less information returns to the IRS. You can order the red-ink forms for free by phone or online from the IRS. You print your data on top of the red-ink form and mail to the IRS along with Form 1096. The threshold for printing and mailing remains at 250 or less forms filed for tax year 2020, but drops to 100 forms in tax year 2021, and 10 forms in tax year 2022. Which means that by tax year 2022, you can print and mail at most 10 forms to the IRS and must electronically file if you have more than 10 forms to transmit.