1095 Software Pre-Sales Questions
Click on a link below to jump to the question with answer:
How many licenses do I receive with my purchase?
How much is one additional license?
What is the cost for upgrading?
What is the cost for renewing the software with next year's version?
Can I install the software on a network?
Can I install the software on a Macintosh operating system?
How quickly can I get the passcode to activate the software?
I got a new computer. How do I transfer my registration from my old
computer to my new computer?
How long is the registration valid for?
Can I import data from excel into the software?
How many records can be imported into the software?
Can I use data from last year in the software?
Is my data secure?
Electronic Filing
Do I have to file my 1095 forms electronically
What is the minimum number of forms that I can file electronically?
What is the maximum number of forms that I can file electronically?
Can you efile on our behalf?
Do I need an account with the IRS to file electronically?
How many TCC numbers or Transmitter Control Codes do I need?
Does the 1099FIRE software upload data to your website or directly to the IRS?
I filed my 1095 forms electronically but forogt to include a few employees. What should I do?
Do I need an account number with the IRS to file electronically?
Yes. You will need to obtain a TCC number or transmitter control code from the IRS to file through the AIR system.
I have a TCC number to file my other IRS documents, will this work?
You will need to obtain a TCC number specifically for the 1095 filings. This can take several weeks for the IRS to process,
so you will want to obtain that as soon as possible.
What are the deadline dates?
The due dates change every year. The IRS has provided 'good faith effort' transition relief since the inception
of the 1095 forms. Typically you have to print and mail by mid-February and efile by the end of March.
My payroll system will export my data into a CSV or an XLS spreadsheet. Will this work with your system?
Yes, provided it is in the correct format. A sample spreadsheet can be located here:
It is ALWAYS recommended that you use the XLS template to enter your data. This will streamline any editing or corrections you
might have to make.
How many licenses do I receive with my purchase?
One license per purchase. You should only need one license. The data is done on an XLS spreadsheet and imported into the software
for printing and e-filing. Multiple people can work on the XLS spreadsheet.
How much is one additional license?
Please contact sales at info@1099fire.com
or call (480) 706-6474 and they can let you know the cost for an additional license.
Can I install the software on a network?
Yes. All of our software functions on any Windows operating system. The software functions on networks or stand-alone personal computers
and is compatible with all printers. This software is not designed for multiple people to be working on
the same file at the same time. The most optimal install is on a stand alone computer, with users having
access to the spreadsheet if necessary.
Can I install the software on a Macintosh operating system?
Maybe. All of our software is designed to function on a Windows-based
operating system. If you install Windows on a Macintosh, then you can run
any Windows-based software including this program. We have Macintosh
computers here at our Service Bureau with Windows installed on them and
we can run the 1095 software with no problem. But without the Windows operating system
installed the software will not function.
How quickly can I get the passcode to activate the software?
Order online and the shopping cart will provide a passcode within seconds
after ordering. Or order by phone and our sales office can provide a passcode.
We have a friendly and courteous staff that is available throughout the day, Monday
through Friday, and checks e-mail at night and on weekends and will provide a passcode as
quickly as we can. A passcode a typically issued the same day that the software was purchased.
Ordering online is the fast way to attain a passcode for the software.
I got a new computer. How do I transfer my registration from my old
computer to my new computer?
Unregister the software from the current machine. To do this, go to Help/Return License and
the software will display a return authorization number. Then download
and install the software on your new computer and email us the user ID for
that new machine and the return authorization number from the old computer
and we will generate a passcode and email it back.
How long is the registration valid for?
The software must be renewed each year. Unless the IRS makes major changes to the forms, your spreadsheet and data from
the previous year can be maintained and updated easily.
What is the cost for upgrading?
Difference in cost between the Individual version and the Enterprise version you already purchased. You may also upgrade to
our Complete Outsource program where we handle the data conversion, print, mail, and e-file to the IRS. Just call our sales
office at (480) 706-6474 and they can process this upgrade and provide a passcode that opens up these other features.
What is the cost for renewing the software with next year's version?
The renewal cost is here https://www.1099fire.com/existing_customers/how_to_renew.htm