What's New for Tax Year 2024

For tax year 2024, several significant updates have been introduced for 1099 forms, especially concerning electronic filing and reporting for
third-party payments. Key changes include:
Mandatory E-Filing for 10+ Forms: Businesses must file electronically if they submit 10 or more information returns, such as 1099s or
W-2s. This is a shift from the previous threshold and is part of the IRS's efforts to streamline data collection through digital submissions. This rule
applies across various 1099 types, such as 1099-NEC (for non-employee compensation) and 1099-MISC (for miscellaneous income).
Lower Reporting Thresholds for 1099-K: The threshold for issuing Form 1099-K has been reduced for 2024. Now, businesses or individuals
who receive over $5,000 in payments via third-party platforms (like PayPal or Venmo) will require a 1099-K. This shift means more taxpayers, including
smaller businesses and freelancers, will likely receive this form in 2024.
IRS Form 15397: Starting in tax year 2024, you can use Form 15397, Application for Extension of Time to Furnish Recipient Statements,
to request a one-time 30-day extension to furnish copies of statements to recipients.
Combined Federal/State Filing: New combined federal state code for Rhode Island is 44. .
These changes mean that small and large businesses alike will need to be prepared for expanded reporting responsibilities in 2024.
Outsourcing Solutions...
Let out trained staff import your data from excel, print and mail, and electronically file on your behalf using our TCC number. We work quickly and have experienced staff who can provide complete, secure outsourcing solutions. Please call our sales office at (480) 706-6474 and they can provide an estimate of the cost.
Stay compliant, reduce administrative costs and know that the job will get done right.