XML Schema Validation Error Messages and Solutions...
XML schema describes the structure and constraints of what can and can not be transmitted in an XML document. The ACA guidelines
for IRS Forms 1095-C, 1094-C, 1095-B are detailed, extensive and updated regularly.
Common ACA validator error messages are provided below. Click the error message to read more about that error and our
XML Schema Validation Errors and Solutions
The 'EmployerEIN' element is invalid.
The 'EIN' element is invalid.
The 'SSN' element is invalid.
The 'BusinessNameLineTxt' element is invalid.
The 'PersonFirstNm' element is invalid.
The 'PersonMiddleNm' element is invalid.
The 'PersonLastNm' element is invalid.
The 'AddressLine1Txt' element is invalid.
The 'AddressLine2Txt' element is invalid.
The 'CityNm' element is invalid.
The 'USStateCd' element is invalid.
The 'USZIPCd' element is invalid.
The 'ContactPhoneNum' element is invalid.
The element 'ContactNameGrp' in namespace has incomplete content.
1095-C Errors and Solutions
The 'JanOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'FebOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'MarOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'AprOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'MayOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'JunOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'JulOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'AugOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'SepOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'OctOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'NovOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'DecOfferCd' element is invalid.
The 'JanuaryAmt' element is invalid.
The 'FebruaryAmt' element is invalid.
The 'MarchAmt' element is invalid.
The 'AprilAmt' element is invalid.
The 'MayAmt' element is invalid.
The 'JuneAmt' element is invalid.
The 'JulyAmt' element is invalid.
The 'AugustAmt' element is invalid.
The 'SeptemberAmt' element is invalid.
The 'OctoberAmt' element is invalid.
The 'NovemberAmt' element is invalid.
The 'DecemberAmt' element is invalid.
The 'JanSafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'FebSafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'MarSafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'AprSafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'MaySafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'JunSafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'JulSafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'AugSafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'SepSafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'OctSafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'NovSafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'DecSafeHarborCd' element is invalid.
The 'StartMonthNumberCd' element is invalid.
If you find an error that is not listed above, please e-mail the error message to info@1099fire.com and we will
add it to the list along with an explanation.