Some of the key advantages to electronic filing include:
Proof of Submission
You upload the manifest and data files electronically to the IRS and will receive a Receipt ID and date/time stamp as to when you uploaded. You can log into the IRS website
and check your file status. The submission status and Receipt ID is proof that your organization submitted their ACA filings for a particular reporting year and confirms the
date and time you transmitted your data.
Timely Results
Filing electronically provides results within a few days.
XML Schema Validation
Our 1099FIRE software will create the XML for electronic filing and then cross-check the XML created against the schema provided by the IRS. The software will find any and
all schema validation errors before you file.
Our 1099FIRE software can file 1094-C, 1095-B and 1095-C corrections. The software has an easy way to import in your error report from the IRS along with the original excel
file that you used to generate corrections for 1095-B and 1095-C data. You can then update and transmit just those corrected records electronically to the IRS.
State Filing
Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, California and the District of Columbia require you to submit ACA data to them electronically. One excel file is used to import data
into the software which will then generate the federal and all state filing requirements.