BULK TIN Matching

TIN matching allows a payer to submit a TIN/Name combination to be matched against IRS records. You can accomplish this interactively and receive an instant response for up to 25 TIN/Name combinations at a time or with Bulk TIN Matching, you can submit an electronic file with as many as 10,000 TIN/Name combinations and receive matching results by email within 24 hours. Both options will:
Match the payee name and TIN with IRS records
Decrease backup withholding and penalty notices
Reduce the error rate in TIN validation
1099FIRE Bulk TIN Matching will save you time and money! Avoid IRS penalties by processing your Bulk TIN Matching with our Service Bureau.
Order TIN Matching Service
Bulk TIN matching is only available to our outsource and e-file software customers. Pricing is $99.95 per Bulk TIN upload file for up to 10,000 TIN/Name combinations or $349.95 for up to 4 submissions. The cost is nonrefundable. Typically you will see the results within 24 hours or less. You can order the TIN matching solution here:
Bulk TIN matching is available seasonally from April 1 until December 31. Please call (480) 706-6474 to order our bulk TIN matching service.
Matching Indicator
The IRS displays one of the following "Match Indicator" codes to the right of the TIN and name combination:
0 = TIN and Name combination matches IRS records.
1 = TIN was missing or TIN not 9-digit numeric.
2 = TIN entered is not currently issued.
3 = TIN and Name combination does not match IRS records.
4 = Invalid TIN Matching request (i.e., contains alphas, special characters)
5 = Duplicate TIN Matching request.
6 = TIN and Name combination matches IRS SSN records.
7 = TIN and Name combination matches IRS EIN records.
8 = TIN and Name combination matches IRS SSN and EIN records.
Using the TIN Matching system allows you to verify the accuracy of taxpayer TIN and name information prior to submitting information to IRS. Internal Revenue Code 6724 provides any penalties under Section 6721 may be waived if the filer shows the failure to file a correct TIN on an information return was due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect. Filers may prove due diligence and receive a waiver from proposed penalties if they prove the TIN and name combination they submitted matched IRS records. Providing a copy of the Print Screen of your Interactive Results will be considered proof of due diligence.
Are you TIN match ready?
The data that you submit to the IRS for Bulk TIN Matching is in a notepad file and is formatted as follows:
A sample is below:
2;398415424;Erich J Ruth;
1;321031231;National Software Incorporated;
and just keep listing the data up to 10,000 records per file. A 2 represents SSN and a 1 represents EIN for the TIN TYPE.
A valid name consists of A-Z, a-z, &, space and hyphen and/or ampersand. Which means that . (period) and , (comma) and : (colon) and ' (apostrophe) and !@#$%^*()+=<>"/\[]{} are not allowed. One very common error is having any of these illegal characters in the NAME. Another common error is submitting a TIN that is less than or more than 9 digits in length (the TIN must be exactly 9 digits).
TIN Match Ready is a free program that anyone can download and use. The software performs several checks, namely: Verifies that the TYPE is either a 1 or 2 or 3.
- Verifies that the TIN is the correct length and is just digits.
- Verifies that the NAME consists of A-Z, a-z, space, hyphen and/or ampersand only.
- Removes duplicate TINs from the file.
The data must be formatted perfectly before uploading via Bulk TIN Matching. Especially when working with large data files, this software will save you time in finding and correcting any potential errors before uploading.
W-9 Solication Services
1099FIRE can print and mail an official W-9 to vendors or contractors to request correct Taxpayer Identification Numbers. Call sales at (480) 706-6474 for more information.
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