ACA Corrections
Correcting IRS Forms 1094-C, 1095-B, 1095-C

A correction is when you electronically transmit a file to the IRS AIR System and it comes back as Accepted or Accepted With Errors and you later realize that the data transmitted contained erroneous information. Our 1095 Service Bureau Service can prepare and efile corrections on your behalf. Corrections should be filed as soon as possible after an error is discovered. We can file current year or prior year 1095-B, 1095-C and/or 1094-C corrections.
Corrections take time but it is important that they be done. Publication 1586 talks about penalties for errors and how to avoid all penalties by taking reasonable care. A 1094-C transmittal summary correction must be separated from a 1095-C (or data) correction.
The steps to filing a correction are as follows:
1. Contact Us. Please call our sales office at (480) 706-6474 to order the service.
1094-C Corrections
Corrected Forms 1094-C should be submitted to the IRS only.
1095-B, 1095-C Corrections
Corrected Forms 1095-C must be sent to the affected employees and to the IRS.
2. Forward us a copy of the Error Summary Report and Excel file used. We need a copy of the error summary report provided by the IRS which details the errors in your transmission. We also need the excel file you used to import into the 1095 software or your data file. If we efiled on your behalf, we can access the error summary report and final excel file used.
3. Talk. We then talk by phone or communicate by email. The most common errors are below:
Form 1095C 'OtherCompletePersonName' and 'SSN' in 'EmployeeInfoGrp' must match IRS database
Form 1095C 'CoveredIndividualName' and 'SSN' in 'CoveredIndividualGrp' must match the IRS database
The error report shows the Receipt ID (in this example 1095C-17-00123456) followed by the 1094-C (in this case 1) followed by the employee record number (in the above examples, 62 and 117). We can then pinpoint which employees or which covered individuals from your excel file had an error and the reason for the error.
4. Employer research. With the list of employees that are in error and the reason for the error, the employer has to go back and research the information they sent to the IRS. Oftentimes its a simple error. If an employee recently was married and they have a new last name but the IRS still recognizes their maiden name, then the name/SSN will not match the IRS database.
5. Efile corrected data. The employer then comes back with corrected data. We prepare a reduced file that contains just the records that need to be corrected and then efile and forward the results when they arrive. All e-filing is done using our company’s transmitter control code or TCC number. This eliminates the hassle of obtaining an account with the IRS.
Please call our main office at (480) 706-6474 to talk about the 1094/1095 correction process. We have experienced staff that can prepare and efile corrections on your behalf.
1095 corrections, 1095-C corrections, 1095-B corrections, 1094-C corrections, aca corrections, irs form 1095-C correction, irs form 1095-B correction