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How can I file for an extension of time for my information returns?

You can request more time to file any information return.  Its easy to do and you will automatically receive an additional one month time extension.

Its important to remember that you can attain an automatic 30-day extension for filing Copy A by paper or electronically with the IRS (or SSA if you are filing Form W-2).  This extension option does not give you additional time to distribute Copy B to the payees. You can not request additional time for distributing Copy B.

The steps are below:

  1. Log into the IRS FIRE System.  Click on Continue to reach the main menu.
  2. At the main menu, click on “Extension of Time Request”.
  3. You will see four (4) options.  Click on “Fill-In Extension Form”.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. You will see a form that asks various questions.  You select how the information returns will be filed, whether by paper or electronically.  You select which types of returns you are requesting more time to file.  The return types include W-2, 1098/1099/W-2G, 5498, 5498-SA, 5498-ESA, 1042-S and 8027.

While the W-2 is filed with SSA, you can select a time extension through the IRS FIRE System.

You also type in the payer TIN, name, address, city, state, zip code, contact name, phone number and transmitter control code (if applicable).  If you dont have a TCC number, you can leave that box blank.  You also select whether this payer address is in a foreign country.  If you select no (which is the default), then the payer resides in the United States.

Click Submit and a 30-day time extension will automatically be granted.


We can efile a 1-month extension on your behalf.  We do charge for that service.  Just contact sales at (480) 460-9311 and they can file that extension for you.

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