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Common errors on Forms W-2

Forms W-2 provide information to your employees, the SSA, the IRS, and state and local governments. Avoid making the following errors, which cause processing delays.

Do not:

1. Omit the decimal point and cents from entries.

2. Use ink that is too light to make entries. Use only black ink.

3. Make entries that are too small or too large. Use 12-point Courier font (which our software uses).

4. Add dollar signs to the money-amount boxes. They have been removed from Copy A and are not required.

5. Inappropriately check the “Retirement plan” checkbox in box 13.

6. Misformat the employee’s name in box e. Enter the employee’s first name and middle initial in the first box. his or her surname in the second box, and his or her suffix (optional) in the third box.

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