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Yikes! Please help me! I got a CP 2000 notice from the IRS.

A CP 2000 notice is issued when the IRS suspects that a federal income tax return has either under reported income, taken excessive credits or deductions, or both. A CP 2000 notice from the IRS is frustrating and worrisome for all involved parties.  Here is what happens.  The recipient of a CP 2000 notice gets […]

I have a TCC number but can’t find my login, passcode or 10-digit PIN

This is a common question.  Your company electronically filed 1099 forms last year.  But the person who efiled last year is no longer with the company.  You have a TCC number, but can’t find the login, passcode or 10-digit PIN in order to file electronically this year.  There are two solutions: 1. Call the IRS […]