The 'USStateCd' element is invalid.
The full error is here:
The 'USStateCd' element is invalid - The value is invalid according to its datatype 'StateType' - The Enumeration constraint failed.
Our Explanation: USStateCd is the abbreviation for the state, US Territory, or Military designation of the provider
of the coverage. Its a 2-character code and oftentimes the error is that the client typed out more than 2 characters for the
state code.
US Territory Codes
Federated States of Micronesia, FM
Guam, GU
Northern Mariana Islands, MP
Palau, PW
Puerto Rico, PR
Marshall Islands, MH
Virgin Islands, VI
US Military State Codes
AE if employee is in Africa, Canada, Europe, or the Middle East
AP if employee is in Pacific
AA if employee is elsewhere in the Americas