1099-Q Software (Tax Year 2023)
Payments From Qualified Education Programs (Under Sections 529 and 530)
Use the software today! Order online and the shopping cart will e-mail you instructions on how to activate the software.
Outsourcing Solutions
Let our trained staff import your data from excel, print and mail, and electronically
file on your behalf. We can help eliminate the stress of filing information returns
by providing
complete, secure
outsourcing solutions
for IRS Forms 1042-S, 1095, 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, 8027,
8966, 8955-SSA and W-2G. Competitive pricing. Please call our sales office at (480) 706-6474
and they can provide an estimate of the cost. Stay compliant, reduce administrative costs and know
that the job will get done right.
Form 1099-Q is an IRS form that an individual who receives distributions
from a Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA) receives
from his or her respective investment company.
1099-Q software makes it easy to import, print and/or efile IRS Form 1099-Q quickly and easily.
New Paper/Electronic Filing Threshold...
IRS mandates electronic filing of 10 or more information returns. The new
threshold is effective for information returns beginning tax year 2023. FIRE TCC holders who submitted their TCC application
prior to September 26, 2021, must complete and submit a new application and verify their identity through ID.me, an IRS
provider of sign-in services.
Simply import the data from Excel. Sample excel worksheets can be downloaded from this site.
Due Dates...
Furnish Copy B to the recipient by January 31. File Copy A electronically by March 31.
1099-Q software, form 1099-Q, Payments From Qualified Education Programs (Under Sections 529 and 530), irs form 1099-Q