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Complete Outsourcing Solutions - $399 for up to 2,500 records

We work quickly and have experienced staff who file over a million information returns per year. Oftentimes the turn-around time is 1-2 days.

Please call for pricing for data files over 5,000 records. Our sales office can be reached at (480) 460-9311.

We will:

  1. Import your data.
  2. Convert to PDF and e-mail to you Copy B and C (and/or Copy 1, 2) with or without instructions and SSN masking.
  3. Perform Bulk TIN matching. Process your data and email your results in a password protected file, in the form of an Excel spreadsheet, with detailed and highlighted descriptions of errors.
  4. Electronically file Copy A to the IRS.
  5. E-mail you to confirm receipt and acceptance of your data by the IRS.

We can prepare and efile IRS forms 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, 8027, 8955-SSA, W-2, W-2G and/or 1042-S quickly and easily. 

You do not need to purchase a copy of the software and you do not need a transmitter control code or TCC number as we are eFiling on your behalf.

You can order the complete outsourcing solution here:

  Order Version Cost  
Import, convert to PDF and file Copy A to the IRS before the March 31st deadline. $399*


The cost is nonrefundable and applies to data sets between 1 and 2,500 records. Please call (480) 460-9311 for pricing if you have over 2,500 records.

* This is a promotionally advertised price.  Order now to secure this service at this price and to setup your appointment date.  Your data needs to be protected. To learn more about the steps we take to secure your data, click here: DATA SECURITY.

Instructions :

  1. We will e-mail you an Information Returns Preparation and Transmission Agreement which needs to be signed and faxed back to us at (480) 283-8506 or scanned and emailed to info@1099fire.com.  Or mailed.
  2. E-mail us an encrypted excel file with all of your data.

We will import your data into the 1099Fire software.  We will not audit or make any other verification on the data you submit, although it may be necessary to ask you for clarification of some of the information.

  1. We will e-mail you a "Payer(s) Totals" report which shows the form totals for each Payer. If the "Payer Totals" report accurately reflects the data you transmitted, you sign the report and mail or fax it to us.
  2. We then convert to PDF and e-mail to you Copy B, Copy C (and/or Copy 1, 2) forms for you to print and distribute accordingly. For Copy B, we can convert the information returns to PDF so that there are 2-3 information returns per page (depending on the information return you are filing) or one per page with respective payee instructions and SSN masking.
  3. Convert your data to an IRS e-file format and submit the file to the IRS FIRE system.
  4. Once we receive notification from the IRS, we will email you to confirm receipt and acceptance of your data by the IRS.

We work quickly and have experienced staff who file over a million information returns per year. Oftentimes the turn-around time is 1-2 days, depending on which service you ordered.

Our service bureau can reached by e-mail at support@1099fire.com and by phone at (608) 444-6575.  We have extended hours during tax season (from January until April 31).

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